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How Does Technology Influence Car Accident Cases?

Man on the phone after an accident

Experiencing a car accident can be a traumatizing event. If there are injuries, your first priority should be being treated by a medical professional and getting care. But as you undergo treatment, have surgery, or receive physical therapy, you might wonder: how do I gather evidence after the fact? What can I do to ensure my case is fair?

That’s where having a team of legal professionals on your side becomes crucial for your case. When you’ve been injured in a car accident, you may be able to rely on technology to help you influence your case. But you can’t do it alone: Morrison & Hughes won’t back down when you’ve been injured and need to get back on your feet.

In this blog post, we’ll review the different types of technology that might be at your disposal following a car accident. When you file your personal injury claim, your team of trusted attorneys will review the facts–with the help of technology.


Street camera at intersection

Cameras (video and photos) provide key evidence for the case. Attorneys will analyze and submit footage and photos to support the claim

Camera technology has come a long way in the past couple of decades. Whether it’s security camera footage, dash camera footage or traffic camera footage, they could provide useful evidence for your case–especially if you need to prove that the other party involved was negligent or at fault.

According to DSC, security camera footage is segmented into three distinct categories—the home, the workplace, and the public. If you experience a car accident, your case might need to acquire footage from public cameras for establishment of fault.

When camera evidence might be used, your team of attorneys at Morrison & Hughes will analyze the footage and take note of the facts of the accident. They will then submit the footage and photos to support your claim.

This footage could clearly show how your accident happened. Traffic footage could show how the other party acted illegally, like whether they ran a red light, cut you off, or made a wrong turn. Footage could also show the speed the driver was going and the weather conditions as well. Speed is commonly a factor in accidents. According to the United States Department of Transportation, speed was a factor in 29% of all fatal accidents in 2020. Because speeding drivers may lose control of their vehicle more easily, they tend to be the cause of many accidents.

In addition to camera footage, attorneys will also acquire witness statements and photos of the scene of the accident. The more evidence you have of your accident, the stronger your case will be–and attorneys at Morrison & Hughes won’t back down from the extensive research needed to put together your claim.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality? Yes, really! Virtual reality, which, according to Merriam-Webster, is an artificial environment which is experienced through sensory stimuli (such as sights and sounds) provided by a computer and in which one’s actions partially determine what happens in the environment.

So how does this connect to your car accident case? When attorneys collect information for your case, a process called discovery, they might rely on certain tools to recreate the accident so they can find out exactly what happened.

While they might use photographic evidence, video evidence, or witness statements, recreating the accident to determine the events may prove to be useful.

When attorneys use virtual reality techniques for your accident case, they’ll simulate the accident by mapping out road conditions to determine whether or not weather or time of day had been a factor. They’ll also reconstruct the events to determine physical impact as well.

Virtual reality is a fantastic, cutting-edge way to provide a visual aid so that all parties involved–you, your legal team, the negligent party, the insurance company, the court–can see exactly how the car accident you experienced occurred.

Medical Imaging

Another common type of technology that is used in car accident cases is medical imaging. After you’ve sustained injuries, it’s common to get x-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs to determine the extent of your injury.

Medical imaging allows healthcare professionals to know the internal effects of the accident–beyond the cuts, scrapes and bruises. These tests could help diagnose a concussion, traumatic brain injury, fractured bones, or even internal bleeding. These are all common types of injuries one can sustain in a car accident, but they can also be sustained in other ways as well. When you file your car accident claim, your claim must help prove that you’re not only injured, but that your injury was directly caused by the accident you experienced.

If you’ve suffered internal injuries as a result of a car accident, you might experience muscle, bone or nerve damage. And these injuries might not be readily acknowledged.

Because internal injuries are not immediately apparent, it’s crucial that you–and anyone else who has been injured–see a medical professional immediately or as soon as possible following a car accident. If you are not seen soon after the accident, your injury may worsen. Furthermore, your injury might be harder to prove it was caused by the accident if you are not properly documenting it.

The sooner you are seen by someone who can diagnose your injuries, the sooner you can receive treatment for your injuries. Early intervention means a smoother recovery; it also means a stronger case. The sooner you start documenting your medical treatments–including medical imaging–the sooner you can get your wellbeing back and receive the compensation you deserve.

That’s why it’s so important to have a team who doesn’t back down against insurance companies. After an accident, insurance companies will do all they can to settle a case as quickly as possible–and for as small of a settlement as possible.

But at Morrison & Hughes, we don’t back down from insurance companies. We take the time needed to acquire the proper documentation, undergo extensive research, and prove your injury so that you get the compensation you deserve.

The Takeaway

When you’ve been injured in a car accident, you need a team who won’t back down from the insurance companies–and who won’t back down against lowball offers. You need a team who will leverage every resource at their disposal.

Technology can be an extremely useful tool when it comes to making your personal injury car accident case as strong as it can be. Whether it’s camera footage, virtual reality techniques or medical imaging, we’ll use everything we have access to, and–with our extensive knowledge of the law–get you the compensation you deserve.

If you’ve been injured, reach out to Morrison & Hughes now for a free consultation. When you have nowhere else to turn, know that we won’t back down.

The post How Does Technology Influence Car Accident Cases? appeared first on Morrison & Hughes Law Firm.
